Is there anything that could, for example, move around NPCs, change requirements for quests / speech checks, move items etc and overall change the content so it feels a bit more like a new game? I'm not expecting a major re-writing, but something like the alternative start mod, which just by starting you in a new location makes the game and world feel fresh. I was wondering if there is any mod that can really change the main game? Like, I know how to do all the quests, where all people / items are etc. I'm planning on getting as many mods that add content as well e.g.
I'm planning on getting the DLCs (which I have only played once each on PS3) so I can finally play Josh Swayer's mod. I really want to completely give New Vegas a new lease of life. TWW alternative start, bug fixes, New Vegas Uncut, NV Bounties, For the Enclave), but don't know a huge amount about mods. The problem is that I've played it so much, I'm worried about knowing it too well. After reading so much about Fallout 4, I really want to go back and play New Vegas again.